There are ten books that take place in
Beacon Pointe and they're all Romantic Suspense.
The Association
Summer of 1984

The space shuttle Discovery took off on its maiden voyage; The Summer Olympics were held in Los Angeles; the lives of Everett Troy, Jackson Vance, Mason Trent and Ryder Wayne were changed forever.
Once a week, under the cover of darkness, they hid beneath the boardwalk and plied their adolescent bodies with beer and hard liquor. Sixteen was considered the age of innocence, but their naiveté was stolen when they witness a man being dragged onto the moon-brightened beach and a gun pressed against his forehead. Thunder from crashing waves camouflaged the killing shots.
Once a week, under the cover of darkness, they hid beneath the boardwalk and plied their adolescent bodies with beer and hard liquor. Sixteen was considered the age of innocence, but their naiveté was stolen when they witness a man being dragged onto the moon-brightened beach and a gun pressed against his forehead. Thunder from crashing waves camouflaged the killing shots.
Shock sobered their drink besotted brains and they waited until the killers left before they made their escape. Scared out of their minds, they made their way to police headquarters and poured out their horrific story to the police officer at the front desk.
With their breaths reeking of alcohol, no one believes they witnessed a murder, but for one rookie cop. He offers to drive them back to the scene, but when they arrive, the body is gone, like it never happened.
A week later they each receive a note. If they open their mouths, they and their families would suffer the same fate.
As The Association, they watch each other’s backs. The boys think they’re home free until a couple of months before they graduate high school. Cocaine is found in Everett Troy’s locker. His admittance to Julliard School of Music is rescinded; Jackson Vance and Mason Trent’s grades are tampered with and they lose their scholarships to Ivy League schools; an unregistered handgun shows up in Ryder Wayne’s locker, killing his chances to go into the FBI.
Despite the threat hanging over their lives and being blackmailed by unknown forces to maintain their silence, they achieved success in their chosen professions. Everett Troy, Oscar and Tony Award Winner; Jackson Vance, High School Principal; Mason Trent, Publisher of The Beacon Pointe Gazette; Ryder Wayne, Lieutenant on Beacon Pointe Police Force.
Thirty-four years after that fateful night, they’ve reached the middlescence of their lives and decide, as The Association, to finally fight back and look into the murder. During their investigation, they’re shocked to learn how much influence the killers have made on their lives and the women they love.
The Key Series
On the occasion of their birthdays, the Hennypenny sisters are given a key and a riddle from the late eccentric grandmother. Each sister has to solve the riddle and find out what the key opens before her next sister’s birthday. Each clue and key points them to the end, but they don’t have any idea what they’ll find. A treasure or everlasting love.
This is page-turning romantic suspense. The entire series has been awarded five stars.

‘Fate can be cruel, but one should never ignore second chances…”
Iris Templeton has been in witness protection for 18 years. When she gets an announcement about her 35th high school reunion in Beacon Pointe, she decides to “escape.” She’s willing to risk everything, even her life, for one more night with the only man she’s ever loved.
As a prosecuting attorney dealing with high-profile cases, Leif Nielson decides that attending his high school reunion is the perfect way to escape for a few days. Would his best friend be there? He’d lost touch with Iris eighteen years ago. His letters had been marked return to sender, with no forwarding address. If anything, he wanted to know why she’d severed all ties.
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Georgie Barlow is a reporter for a small-town newspaper in New Jersey. The only adventure in her life is lived through her three pets that she’s written up in her graphic novels: The Pawsome 3. Margo, a Maine coon cat; Todd, a Beagle and Merlin, an African gray parrot who interacts with Alexa all day.
Her life changes in ways she never expected when she finds a piece of map in the bottom of her purse. The same day she finds this mysterious item, her editor asks her to temporarily take over the police beat. Her life is immediately pushed into the fast lane when she gets a hot lead.
Unexplained murders throw her in the path of a go-by-the-rules detective on the Beacon Pointe Police Department who suggests she back away from this particular story.
Dean Hollis has twelve years in as a police officer, the last one as a Detective. Filled with guilt and what if’s, he’s obsessed with finding the bank robbers who killed his sister two years ago.
His latest case involves three bags of body parts. He attends the autopsy and the coroner points out the three pieces of maps tattooed on the victim’s legs. All appear to be places in New Jersey.
Separate, they try to solve the homicide but are thrown together when secrets from their pasts force them to work together.
Their journey to love is battered by secrets from their pasts.